The Ma'at App embodies the learnings of the groups and encapsulates the Maat rules. It is the rules behind the bookkeeping.
It is an application that allows collectives to self-govern and self-motivate. The App enforces a set of behaviours to help the group become autonomous and successful. It alerts on risks.
The App is teaching by doing, acting as a control mechanism that protects the groups when rules are violated.
There is a self-governed business model built into the App with a common language that ensures that collectives can interact.
The App celebrates, reinforces, guides. It helps the social obligations and moral obligations to be enforced. It is a safeguard on fraud.
Training is led by Ophavela which has extensive knowledge on group creation and dynamics and a world success record on loan repayment and on averting corruption.
Awareness raising starts with information campaigns to local communities. The training-by-doing is organised in 3 phases:
Launching phase (3 months): Create and organise the group, democratic elections of the Group Management, drafting of the group regulations; learning and practice, including the roles and responsibilities of each member.
Practice phase (2 ½ months): Building autonomy. A Credit Coach attends the group meetings to ensure that the meetings are proceeding satisfactorily and helps resolve occasional problems.
Maturity phase (2 months): Ensures independence. The Credit Coach helps verify the use of funds in strict adherence to the group rules. The group is now able to function independently and to self-replicate.
The first year the Credit Coach forms between 7 to 15 groups, the second year she/he identifies Facilitators paid by the groups, who will help the functioning, conflict resolution and self-replication of the groups.
The system becomes self-propelling, and a web of credit nodes expands under the care and guidance of the country managers.